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Web Design and Maintenance Services Pricelist

Web Design:
Site design concept development: This includes development and testing of customized design concepts and coding of templates for actual pages.
Average business site$ 50.00
Extensive corporate sitehourly rate*
Image style development: This includes development and testing of customized Image treatment, designed to promote continuity in your business "personality" as expressed on your site.
Image style development (per style) $ 25.00
Page coding: This includes the coding of headers, footers, simple tables and style features of individual page formats. Repeats of the same format, such as text only pages or enlarged image pages are not charged for. This charge DOES NOT INCLUDE DATA ENTRY. The price for "Announced" pages includes insertion of text in headers and hidden on the page to facilitate recognition by search engines.
Per page charge (announced)$ 50.00
Base charge per page format 25.00
Basic reply form, image map or image table 25.00
Complex coding entities hourly rate*
Data entry and proofing (per word) .10
Image processing: These are charges for average imaging tasks. Problematical images, as from poor quality originals, etc. that require extensive enhancing or other manipulation will be charged at our hourly rate.* Image manipulation refers to the implementation of the image style developed for your site. (see above)
Image scanned, optimized, converted, and /or sized$ 5.00
Image manipulation (per image) 5.00
Custom button, bar, or bullet 5.00
Custom initial 5.00
Extensive custom graphics hourly rate*

Web Maintenance:
Site access maintenance services: There are two phases to site access maintenance. The first is the discovery phase. Searches are done with appropriate keywords on major sites, and reciprocal links are researched to assure they are working correctly. An analysis of what corrective action, if any should be taken, is then made. The second phase involves implementing those changes through alteration of page coding and re-announcing, notifying other sites of errors in their links, and notifying search engines of "dead links" that are interfering with your site's placement in search reports.
One-time report and analysis $ 20.00
Quarterly reports (one year, billed in quarterly installments)$ 72.00
Monthly reports (one year, billed in monthly installments) $198.00
Site content maintenance (updating): Data entry is charged at the rate of $.10 per word. Changes involving recoding of pages or insertion of data into tables will be charged at our hourly rate.* Data entry charges may be avoided by submitting text on disk, in a format compatible with our equipment, or by email. Images submitted on disk (or by email if compact,) will facilitate the constructing of your site and, depending on their characteristics may result in savings to you as well.

*Our current hourly rate is $20/hour for web development and maintenance. This and all other charges are subject to change without notice. A 50% deposit, based on estimated final cost, is required before work can be begun, with the balance due on delivery, unless prior arrangements are made. This price list compiled 01/07/2000.

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Web design by North Light Cottage Industry